Dec 28, 2007
Say Farewell
Shared glances,
Shared smiles, which turned into laughs,
Shared tears,
Shared joy & sorrow,
Shared confidences,
Without acknowledging it, they shared a sense of belonging,
He changed her perceptions,
Made her smile even though times were tough,
Although he was the one who gave her her smile,
He walked away before watching her bloom,
And still he was the one she thought about whenever she smiles that same old smile.
Dec 27, 2007
Start As Strangers, End As Strangers

Dec 2, 2007
And yet not even a phone call from him.
He said that she is important for him,
And yet not even a phone call from him.
He asked her not to change, to be like before,
And yet he changed himself.
He asked her to stay with them,
And yet she felt left out.
He asked her not to be sad,
And yet he could not give 5 sec of attention.
He just walked away, without a single look back at her,
And yet she kept watching him walk away.
Nov 23, 2007
Break Up
Break up; everyone experiences it at least once in their life. But if we look at it from a psychological view, normally when you break up, you have to pass through several phases before you are finally settled with the matter.
First there is Anger, where you get really angry against everyone and the whole world,
Then there is Denial, where you just can't accept the facts,
Next comes Illusion, where you still have at least a little hope,
Afterwards you get Depression, where you are really sad, you realize that this is reality and nothing's gonna change, and you even cry your heart out, you cry till you don't have any tears coming out anymore,
Finally you arrive at the Acceptance phase, where you have finally accepted this reality and even made up a reason for you not to even try to go against it... its the most difficult phase but once you've accepted it, then you know that sooner or later you are gonna be fine.
Many people try to just forget about it, it’s the wrong thing to do. Because if you really felt something and cared then you should not try to forget, but learn to live with it. By learning to live with it, this reality becomes lighter. It’s the most difficult phase but also the most important one, and once you've finally arrived at it, the pain sure still remains but it’s not as intolerable as before.
Like it’s said, what does not kill us, makes us stronger.
Nov 16, 2007
Silent Death
She gave her soul,
She fell in love,
Knowing that there'll be hurdles along the path,
She kept hoping, he will stay,
Fearing the day she'll have to let go,
Hearing him say "We must break up"
Seeing her dreams being shattered,
Witnessing her love leaving her side,
Her heart being snatched away from her,
Her world crumbling,
Feeling helpless and abandoned,
Crying her heart out,
Silently watching him leave,
Never having told him she fell in love with him,
Knowing she cannot ask him to stay,
Having been given a silent death
Nov 9, 2007
Bewitching love...

Ever avoiding strife,
For fear of getting hurt,
And then you came along…
And just stood there by my side,
Recognizing that I have not truly been seeing you,
Until now; realizing that
Every facet of yours,
Be it physical or spiritual,
Is an ensnarement
From which I do not wish release,
We know mistakes are bound to happen,
We may hurt each other’s heart unwillingly.
Yet, don’t ever give up easily.
Nov 1, 2007
Amitié ou Pas
Sep 4, 2007
Being a girl
Aug 15, 2007
It Shall Work Out
Sweep my mind,
Touch my heart,
You shall be mine,
And somehow it will work out,
It shall work out.
This was written by a close friend of mine "Davi" and i found it really beautiful. This little poem says it all, that even if things are not going on well for now, there is still the hope that it will work out in future and we are gonna be fine and reading this really give some courage.
Aug 12, 2007
Shield or Cyclone!!!!

But a trifling cyclone came, he went for cover.
A shield he should have been,
Protecting the one he says he loves.
But devastated she was in the end.
A protector he should have been,
Instead no trust he had in her.
For he believed all others,
except the one he claimed to be precious to his heart.
She waited all the time,
always finding him in someone else's arms.
Its to ask what was he after all,
The shield or the cyclone!!!!
This was originally written on the 31 July 2007
Aug 7, 2007

Je veux d'un homme,
qui m'aimera avec mes défauts.
Je veux d'un homme,
qui aura le temps pour moi et non doit en trouver.
Je veux d'un homme,
qui me comprendra.
Je veux d'un homme,
pour qui je serai la femme et non pas l'autre femme.
Je veux d'un homme,
qui sera toujours a mes cotés meme si c'est pas facile.
Je veux d'un homme.
qui me recomfortera a la fin de la journée.
Je veux d'un homme,
pour qui ce qu'on partage compte.
Je veux d'un homme,
qui a du courage.
Je veux d'un homme,
qui ne ment pas comme il respire.
Je veux l'impossible